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Much of the science within, such as the mathematics of parabolas, work on infinity and a rudimentary form of partition, would not be discovered again until Newton’s Principia Mathematica formalised calculus. Archimedes' work on combinatorics, the ...
2016-07-12 01:01:00
It took a while, but thanks to the film industry, mathematics is finally cool. Also cool is being bright enough, of sufficient creativity and demonstrative of the right amount of intellectual perseverance to arrive at a logical and defensible solution to a ...
2016-07-12 02:50:00
Family hikes this summer can be used as learning opportunities to keep kids sharp while out of school says a UBC professor of Mathematics. Susan Gerofsky, assistant professor in Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at UBC ...
2016-07-11 07:14:00
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