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I am writing this from Europe, six time zones ahead of my home in Florida. My body thinks it’s around 3:00 pm, but my watch says otherwise. I’ve been here for about 24 hours and I’m pretty beat but trying to stay lucid. Every time I travel to Europe ...
2016-07-25 06:25:00
Scientists from 80 countries flocked to Berlin this week to attend the European Congress of Mathematics. One main takeaway: some of the continent's leading mathematicians are surprisingly young - and very down-to-earth. Time is a precious resource for ...
2016-07-25 03:44:00
Many students in Shanghai, China are taught math using the mastery approach. Getty / Guang Niu The predominantly Asian approach to teaching mathematics in schools, called the "mastery approach," is spreading, largely due to the fact these countries are ...
2016-07-24 04:27:00
The Math Learning Centre, which is led by associate professor Sherry Mantyka, provides foundation level math courses to university students looking to brush up on basic math skills before taking Math 1090 — a required mathematics course for many degree ...
2016-07-25 03:35:00
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