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I rejoice that my chosen line of work, mathematics, has enabled me to bring into being new things that did not exist before, and to greet with wonder and awe many amazing inventions of my fellow workers. I rejoice that daily we live immersed in infinity ...
2016-06-26 06:39:00
The way we spend money is changing with electronic transactions and new alternative currencies like bitcoin, but security is important—and mathematics and massive amounts of computing power are central to that, as Dr Karl Kruszelnicki explains.
2016-07-05 10:36:00
"These black holes are so mathematical, there's nothing more to them than mathematics," Richard Henry, an astronomer at Johns Hopkins University, told Henry presented a new way to look inside black holes last month at the 228th meeting of the ...
2016-07-05 04:57:00
For the past few decades, restrictions on travel to Iran has meant the country has been largely shut off from the Western world, but as visa sanctions are lifted in the light of a landmark nuclear deal, the local tourism industry is hoping for a flurry of ...
2016-07-05 12:58:00
Tests in reading, writing and mathematics have been overhauled to include questions of a much higher level, many of which left even adults perplexed. Ministers hope the tougher tests will raise standards and say children have been failed by years of ...
2016-07-05 01:52:00
Once a concept is taught, it is difficult to determine the moment it is learned or “sticks” for students. Two Department of Mathematics faculty members at Illinois State University are working with the Children’s Measurement Project (CMP) in the ...
2016-07-05 03:37:00
Engineering section of JagranJosh brings Online Test for JEE MAIN, JEE Advanced, UPSEEE, WBJEE and other engineering entrance examination to help the students in improving their performance and knowledge. These tests are absolutely free and are based on ...
2016-07-05 10:36:00
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