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Over a decade ago, I wrote: I would like to propose a name for this phenomenon of inveterate support for any and all Papal actions, imputing to him wisdom and spiritual insight beyond all the Saints and Popes of past ages: Mottramism. This takes its name ...
2017-01-19 10:12:00
Our 29th video coming in February. Starring Bobby DeKeyzer, Yaje Popson, Leo Valls, Bobby Worrest, and Ben Gore. A film by Chris Thiessen. Filmed in Paris, Bordeaux, New York, San Francisco, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Barcelona.
2017-01-18 06:03:00
Linda M. Gojak and Sara Delano Moore, two co-authors of Visible Learning For Mathematics: What Works Best to Optimize Student Learning, agreed to answer a few questions about the book. Their other co-authors are John Hattie, Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey ...
2017-01-18 07:23:00
As you prepare programming and planning for a new teaching year and new students, give some thought to the strategies and activities you and your students can do in the first few weeks of term to ensure everyone gets the most out of their mathematics ...
2017-01-18 06:28:00
Owing to the imperativeness of mathematics education to national development, the National Examination Council (NECO) has reiterated its commitment towards ensuring continuous success of Cowbellpedia Secondary School Mathematics TV Quiz show. Speaking ...
2017-01-18 07:32:00
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