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When you pass by a primary school you may hear students cramming mathematical tables, but do not be surprised to hear tables on how to practice personal hygiene and virtues of cleanliness while passing Bi Amma Urdu Primary School in Madhya Predesh’s Khandwa.
2017-01-02 08:00:00
The National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath), the only math museum in North America, strives to enhance public understanding and perception of mathematics in daily life. MoMath is located at 11 E 26th St in Manhattan. View more articles by Glen Whitney for ...
2017-01-02 07:39:00
I said that I wanted to stay skilled as a math teacher. As much as I’d like to pretend I’ve still got it in spite of my years outside of the classroom, I know there aren’t any shortcuts here: I need to do more math and I need to do more teaching.
2017-01-01 08:32:00
Keith Devlin Dr Keith Devlin is a mathematician at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. If you are connected with the world of K-12 mathematics education, it’s highly unlikely that a day will go by without you uttering, writing, hearing ...
2017-01-01 09:44:00
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