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Have you ever held a class discussion you thought went well until your students made a claim that had you question how they were interpreting the mathematics at hand? When such a situation happened in our classroom, we used the interaction to change our ...
2017-02-01 06:02:00
Mathematics is often thought of as the coldest expression of pure reason. But few subjects provoke hotter emotions–and inspire more love and hatred–than mathematics. And although math is frequently idealized as floating above the messiness of human ...
2017-02-01 03:27:00
The Abel Prize is a Norwegian prize given to the one or more outstanding mathematicians by the Government of Norway. It was instituted in 2002 to dedicate Norway's most famous mathematicians, Niels Henrik Abel. Jean-Pierre Serre was the first award winner ...
2017-02-01 06:53:00
A popular game with a farm setting offers an innovative approach to modeling and functions. Mathematical modeling connects the world of classroom mathematics with mathematics in the real world. According to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics ...
2017-02-01 06:02:00
A recent Patheos article talks about two computer scientists who claim to have applied state-of-the-art software to show that Kurt Gödel's "mathematical proof" for the existence of God is entirely correct. In 2013 the computer scientists C Benzmüller ...
2017-01-31 08:21:00
SALT LAKE CITY — Michael Zhao, a Salt Lake City native and senior in mathematics pursuing an honors degree at the University of Utah, has received the Churchill Scholarship to study at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Zhao becomes one ...
2017-01-31 11:57:00
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