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Aditya Prakash, a student of Centre for Advanced Learning (CFAL) in Mangaluru, has been selected from Karnataka to the coveted third stage of the Mathematics International Olympiad – 2017. He is one among 38 students selected from the country. Aditya is ...
2017-03-05 03:58:00
Now that students have begun a new semester in our secondary schools, I thought I’d write about my observations as a high school math tutor for the past twenty-two years. I feel that I have had enough experience here (having tutored kids at all levels ...
2017-03-05 03:41:00
“Something I’m sure you would have done when you were younger,” he tells a crowded hall in Garden International School during a talk on the enigma machine and how mathematics played a big part in breaking the code that led to the defeat of the Nazis ...
2017-03-04 06:55:00
Mathematics is the greatest guzzler. It soaks up all your attention and time, as your first child would, so much so the rest of the children are left in the lurch and forced to fend for themselves. If subjects in school had a mind of their own, there would ...
2017-03-04 01:55:00
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