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A small dot on an old piece of birch bark marks one of the biggest events in the history of mathematics. The bark is actually part of an ancient Indian mathematical document known as the Bakhshali manuscript. And the dot is the first known recorded use of ...
2017-09-20 09:21:00
That compares to provincial math results of 83 per cent (academic) and 44 per cent (applied). “Unfortunately, achievement in mathematics, as measured by the EQAO assessment, continues to be disconnected from the positive achievement in literacy.
2017-09-20 03:26:00
Here we are providing study material for UP Board class 12 th Mathematics first and second paper. The material consist detailed syllabus, practice paper, online test, guess paper, sample paper,last five year solved question paper,last five year very short ...
2017-09-20 08:44:00
First, we must consider Isaac Newton’s role in the early stages of devising modern mathematics. Newton was a core Enlightenment thinker in late 17 th century England, responsible for instilling mathematical and logical appreciation in his fellow Europeans.
2017-09-19 10:45:00
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